This is a rocket kit that I had before, and has long since been discontinued. It has been rereleased as a smaller, newer rocket. Luckily, I found the old version at a hobby shop! The main tube (with slot-fin notches)was missing, but they included a standard tube. A small mod of the fins, and all was good! And while I was modding the rocket...
Originally, this had a unique rear-ejection recovery system. A rocket pod would eject from the rear, and the entire assembly would come back down via parachute. As the pod tube was almost the size of the main body tube, more often than not this rocket would use the lawn dart method of recovery. So, this time around I built it as a normal, capsule ejecting rocket. With the engine pod out of the way, this rocket is also lighter and will travel higher!
I also lowered the fins a bit. Thought it looks better this way!